Super-Crab Apps
Welcome to our website. Super-Crab develops and designs iOS & Android apps for education and entertainment purposes.

You can find an overview of our apps in the menu under Apps. News and info about super-crab by scrolling down on this page.

About Super-Crap Apps
Welcome, we are a small agency from Berlin that specializes in the development of learning and entertainment apps. If you have questions about our apps or any other questions, you can reach us via the email address at the bottom of each page. Thank you!

In addition to our entertaining learning apps, we are currently working on the development of sound, soundboard apps, and games. You can follow us on Facebook or Instagram to receive the latest news about updates, new features, and new products!

Due to the success of our DerDieDas app and a lot of positive feedback, we decided to develop more apps for learning the German language. You can scroll down to learn more about our latest release – KEN (conjugate German verbs).

KEN konjugieren deutscher Verben – Available for iOS & Android
KEN – Deutsche Verben konjugieren (conjugate German verbs) is now available in the iOS AppStore and Android PlayStore! We have already started to develop more features to make KEN even better with the upcoming versions. We are looking forward to any feedback! Thanks a lot!

DerDieDas-App – New chapter available!
We have summarized our Instagram exercises in a new chapter. You can practice all posts from 2018 at any time and use all functions like favorites, rules, tips, etc.. Our 2019 exercises will be available soon.

We’re on Instagram now! DERDIEDAS_LERNEN
Since the beginning of December we’ve been posting small exercises (German articles) on a daily basis. Since then we’ve been enjoying an enormous increase of fans, likes and comments in no time at all. Thank you very much!
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Interested in daily tutorials and news about new features, more content and upcoming releases?
News, polls which features will be developed next and occasional exercises are enough for you?